RESPeRATE Promo Code & Deals January 2025
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Resperate Inc. and its parent company 2breathe Technologies Ltd. are pioneering the development of digital therapeutic devices. They introduced RESPeRATE, the world’s first FDA-cleared, non-drug hypertension treatment device, now utilized by hundreds of thousands of patients globally and featured in the American Heart Association statement on non-pharmacological treatments.
The award-winning 2breathe Sleep Inducer emerged from the discovery that RESPeRATE users often dozed off during sessions, with over 90% of them reporting improved sleep. The decision was made to transform this 'side effect' into a feature, redesigning RESPeRATE's real-time coaching guided-breathing technology into a sleek smartphone-powered consumer product. This innovation aims to assist the millions of healthy individuals experiencing sleeplessness and earned the 2017 CES Innovation Award in the Fitness, Health, and Biotech category.
The Soft-Tones Pillow Speaker was initially crafted for prospects concerned that the guiding tones might disrupt their bed partner's sleep. Upon receiving the first prototype, it became evident that its unique curving design offered an exceptional sound experience for everyone involved.
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